I hope you all had a Happy and Healthy Thanksgiving. We did at our house.
I stopped by Calvary last week and was surprised when I walked in to see that it was so bright. Everything, or at least most everything, in the Fellowship Hall building has been painted white. I was surprised to see that the restoration company had painted the framing and stone church walls that are exposed, who paints framing? So I contacted them to find out why. Good reason… the paint is specially formulated to seal in the smoke smell, and I have to say, it seemed to work because I did notice that the building did not have a smoky smell. The brightness was such a striking difference from when I walked in on March 6th that I wanted to share this with you. The first 4 pictures below show March 6th and December 3rd – we have come a long way
Below are more pictures showing the offices and upstairs.
We are to the 3rd week of Advent. It is interesting how quickly yet how slowly this year has passed. I pray that you can experience the peace of Advent and Christmas that the peace continues into the new year of 2021. Please stay safe and healthy and please wear a mask.