A short update but some fantastic musical news:
Though the determination and tenacity of Luke P and the fire committee, an agreement has been reached with the insurance company to allow Foley Baker Organ company to complete the clean up and restoration of our wonderful Skinner Organ with the cost being covered completely by insurance. This is a long process but we have the go ahead for Foley Baker to soon start the process by disassembling the instrument and transporting it to their location. They will then soon start working on it (I believe that will be in March of 2021). Thank you to Luke, the fire committee, the insurance company and Foley Baker for the continued work to come to this agreement.
And continuing good news, I asked a few weeks ago for assistance in paying for the additional costs incurred in the refurbishment of our handbells. I want to let you know that we have received enough to cover the extra costs plus $900 additional that will remain in the budget for the bell choir for use once we are able to continue our musical ministry. Thanks goes out to our donors: “anonymous”, Mary Ellen W., Karin and John W., Susan N., Pat V. and John and Dawn S.
Other news briefs: We have our building permit to for the work in Fellowship Hall. We have agreement of the floor plans for the hall to move the handicapped bathrooms to the south side of the building and add a kitchen area to the north side, where the handicapped bathrooms used to be. Pastor J’s office will remain where it was but what was Helen’s office will become a conference room and Helen’s office will now be across the hall from Pastor J’s office. . Framing of the new layout should be started soon. Discussion has been continuing about the best choices for HVAC and flooring
I have really enjoyed working on the fire committee. Everyone in the group brings their live experiences and knowledge to every discussion. This mix seems to uncover every angle of any situation and the resulting decisions are very well thought out. We don’t accept any thing without a full understanding. I believe the fire committee really has the church’s “back”!
And one more thing – VOTE!